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 Post subject: Important information (didn't read = deleted topic).
PostPosted: October 11th, 2013, 12:52 am 
Site Admin
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Joined: March 10th, 2011, 11:14 pm
Posts: 12967
Location: Earth
In this forum the icons means the following:

Image - fixed / solved.
Image - in progress.

In this forum please create topics only for problems with specific websites.

General problems in "Help" forum, or you sure it's a bug (non specific forum related) in "Bugs" forum.

Before creating a new thread check if thread for some website don't exists already.

Make sure you are using the latest version.

"Problems with page", such as website timeout / read timeout / connection timeout is websites problems and has nothing to do with the program so please don't create topics for that. Just wait until website is not on heavy load or back online if it was offline.

If it's a single website you must specify it in the subject like this:
[website .com] Your problem.

If it's two websites separate them with a comma like this:
[,] Your problem.

If it's more website don't need to mention them in the subject, only "Your problem."

Required information when creating new topic
  • Website's main URL in the program.
  • Website's page or RSS feed's URL from the program.
  • Error message in the status table.
  • For mega-topics leeching - topic ID.

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